Thursday, April 28, 2011

Votre Vu....a vacation for your skin!

Bon jour~

Does your skin ever feel like it needs to go on vacation from the products you currently use on it?  I bet it does..... and what could be more perfect than products from Paris~France?

I made this collage for you to get~just a little overview of Vu's product line.  I'd "luv" to mail you samples of our line so you can do a "Paris~Nite" Facial.  Please send an email to
with your skin type and your samples will be on their way!

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I'd "luv" to have you join my "Team Paris" Brand Ambassador's!  Please click "join my team" on top of my blog & also check out my facebook fan page for more information:
ta......ta.....Kathy Renee

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Votre Vu is exploding.....I'd "luv" to have you join my team today!

Bon jour~What does $69.00 buy you these days??? When you sign up as a Personal Shopper with Votre Vu you will receive:

~More than $100 worth of top-selling products~Discounts of 30% off all future purchases, with every 3rd item 50% off (make that the most expensive product)~Free shipping on orders over $150~Monthly specials featuring up to 75% off select items~Optional automated home delivery of your favorite products and free delivery with any order of $150 or more.

If you are looking for a "luxe" ground floor business opportunity~you can spread the buzz, and get paid! I'd "luv" to have you join my team! I have 18 years experience in the direct sales industry. You can start your own business with Votre Vu for as low as $199. You will receive the above personal shopper benefits as well as:

~From $400 to $1,000 worth of products when you sign up~Commission earnings of 30% by simply sharing this luxe line~Weekly pay on your Votre Vu Mastercard Debit Card~Powerful online tools for your business~Personal e-commerce web site ~No inventory or deliveries~Free Host Program~and more as you grow your team. Please contact me for more information (714) 260-7878.

Best Regards,
Kathy Pardee~Votre Vu Star Director
Independent Votre Vu Brand Ambassador